massachusetts institute of technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT by the initials of its name in English, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) is a private university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA).MIT has five schools and one college:
MIT School of Science (MIT School of Science)
MIT School of Engineering (MIT School of Engineering)
School of Architecture and Planning at MIT (MIT School of Architecture and Planning)
Sloan School of Management at MIT (MIT Sloan School of Management)
School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences at MIT (MIT School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences)
Faculty of Health Sciences and Technology Whitaker (Whitaker College of Health Sciences and Technology)
They are including a total of 32 academic departments with a strong emphasis on research, engineering, and technology education.
Founded in 1861 in response to the increasing industrialization of the United States, he used the model of technical universities and emphasized laboratory instruction. The initial emphasis of MIT in applied technology in the undergraduate and graduate levels, led to a close cooperation with industry. Curricular reforms of Karl Compton and Vannevar Bush in 1930 returned to emphasize basic scientific research. MIT was elected to the Association of American Universities in 1934. The researchers worked on computers, radar and inertial navigation system in World War II and the Cold War. Defence Research postwar contributed to the rapid expansion of the Institute and its campus under President James Killian.
The campus opened in 1916 and 1 mile (1.6 km) on the north bank of the Charles River Basin spread.
In the past 60 years, MIT's educational disciplines have expanded beyond physics and engineering fields such as biology, economics, linguistics and management.
MIT enrolled 4,384 undergraduate and 6,510 graduate students for the 2011-2012 school year. That year he received 18,109 applications for enrollment for the first year of their degree courses, with only 1,620 supported, so its acceptance rate was 8.9%. Among the nearly 1,000 members of the cloister there is or has been 78 Nobel Laureates, 52 National Medal of Science, 45 Rhodes Scholars, and 38 MacArthur Fellow. MIT has a strong corporate culture. The aggregated revenues of companies founded by MIT alumni would place it as the world's eleventh largest economy. It is considered one of the most selective US and even the world.
Spanning five schools — architecture and planning; engineering; humanities, arts, and social sciences; management; and science — and more than 30 departments and programs, an education at MIT covers more than just science and technology.
Arts, business, global languages, health and more complete an education at MIT, and the Institute makes freely available its class lecture notes, exams and videos through MIT'sOpenCourseWare and complete courses are offered through the new online-learning initiative,edX.
Arts, business, global languages, health and more complete an education at MIT, and the Institute makes freely available its class lecture notes, exams and videos through MIT'sOpenCourseWare and complete courses are offered through the new online-learning initiative,edX.
departments and programs*
course | |
16 | Aeronautics and Astronautics |
21A | Anthropology |
4 | Architecture |
20 | Biological Engineering |
7 | Biology |
9 | Brain and Cognitive Sciences |
10 | Chemical Engineering |
5 | Chemistry |
1 | Civil and Environmental Engineering |
CMS/21W | Comparative Media Studies/Writing |
CSB | Computational and Systems Biology |
12 | Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences |
14 | Economics |
6 | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
ESD | Engineering Systems Division |
21F | Global Studies and Languages |
HST | Health Sciences and Technology |
21H | History |
24 | Linguistics and Philosophy |
21L | Literature |
15 | Management |
3 | Materials Science and Engineering |
18 | Mathematics |
2 | Mechanical Engineering |
MAS | Media Arts and Sciences |
21M | Music and Theater Arts |
22 | Nuclear Science and Engineering |
8 | Physics |
17 | Political Science |
STS | Science, Technology, and Society |
11 | Urban Studies and Planning |
WGS | Women's and Gender Studies |
*Additional academic programs are described in the course catalog.